The Women's Extreme Championship...Home Of The World's Hottest Divas

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Lauren Phillips (c) vs. Katherine Salom WEC World Championship Match

It’s time for our next title match, this one, once again being for the WEC World Championship as Lauren Phillips defends against the former champion, Katherine Salom.

Quinn McKay is backstage with the challenger, Katherine Salom.

“Quinn McKay here with the challenger for the WEC World championship, Katherine Salom. Katherine, this is your chance to regain the gold you never actually lost. How do you feel?”

“I feel quite nervous, Quinn! Lauren is a tremendous champion, & I’m going to have to be on my game tonight.” Katherine says, walking away.

Katherine Salom makes her way to the ring, she’s wearing a silver satin bathing suit. 

Katherine enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Quinn McKay is standing by with the champion, Lauren Phillips.

“Quinn McKay here with the WEC World Champion: Lauren Phillips. Lauren, originally you were scheduled to be the challenger in this match. Does the change in role change your game plan?”

“It does not. Katherine Salom is nothing but a joke, I would’ve easily won the championship had she not been stripped of the title. Doesn’t matter. I’m the champion until I say otherwise!” Lauren says, walking away.

Lauren Phillips makes her way to the ring, she’s wearing a powder bra & matching full back panties, both with white polka dots on them.

Lauren enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Ring announcer Cathy Kelley enters the ring to make the official introductions.

“Ladies & gentlemen! The following contest, scheduled for one fall is for the WEC World Championship!

“Introducing first: the challenger: from Houston, Texas…please welcome…KATHERINE SALOM!”

Katherine smiles & waves to the crowd.


Lauren smiles & waves to the crowd.

Lauren charges at Katherine & tackles her to the mat & begins punching her over & over, first in the face & then in the tits.

Katherine is able to power Lauren off of her, & Katherine kicks Lauren right in the pussy. Lauren screams & collapses to the mat.

Katherine goes to cover Lauren, but Lauren kicks out with authority.

Lauren now begins pummeling Katherine, hitting her with a series of overhand rights, finally Katherine collapses in the corner.

Lauren now grabs Katherine by the legs & drags her to the center of the ring.

Lauren now grabs Katherine by the hair & pulls her to her feet. Lauren now gives Katherine the Kiss Of Death followed by the uppercut low blow, Katherine collapses to the mat, unconscious.

Lauren places her foot on Katherine’s chest as the referee counts to 3.

Your winnwe & STILL WEC World champion…Lauren Phillips.

Lauren stands over Katherine’s unconscious body for several minutes after the match.

Lauren now heads backstage to be interviewed.

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