The Women's Extreme Championship...Home Of The World's Hottest Divas

Sunday, June 5, 2022

A (Kayfabe) Interview With Hannah Perez

“Hello, & welcome back to ‘…Chats With April.’! I’m your host Megan Heidlberg filling in for an injured April O’Neil. My guest at this time is the WEC Street Fight champion, Hannah Perez. Hannah welcome back to ‘…Chats With April.’!”

“It’s a pleasure, Megan!”

“Hannah, What are you  thoughts on Carmen Tocheniuk?”

“She’s an absolute powerhouse, but, it doesn’t take much to knock her out, does it?”

“No, I guess not! Despite that, you won easily. How does it feel to still be champion?”

“It feels tremendous, Megan. I’ll be, to steal a phrase from another wrestler, I’ll be the Forever Champion!”

“You have one more title match this evening against Kate Bilo. How do you feel about facing her?”

“I think Kate is lucky to have her job in the WEC, if she wasn’t in good with management, she wouldn’t have a job here, bottom line!”

“Hannah, that’s all the time we have tonight. Thank you for joining me!”

“It’s always a pleasure, Megan!” Hannah says, getting up to leave.

“That does it for another episode of ‘…Chats with April,’! Let’s go back to ringside for the next match!”

Hannah Perez vs. Carmen Tocheniuk WEC Street Fight Championship Match

The time has come for our next title match as Hannah Perez puts the WEC Street Fight championship on the line against Carmen Tocheniuk.

Both women are in their respective locker rooms getting ready for the fight.

Quinn McKau is standing by with the challenger< Carmen Tocheniuk.

“Quinn McKay here with the challenger to the Street Fight championship, Carmen Tocheniuk! Carmen, how do you feel heading into this title match?”

“Quinn, I feel okay! I don’t get many title opportunities here, so I have to make the most of the ones I get. And tonight, I plan on becoming Street Fight champion.” Carmen says, walking away.

Carmen Tocheniuk makes her way to the ring, she’s wearing a light blue sports bra & black spandex shorts.

Carmen enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Quinn McKay is standing by with the Street Fight champion, Hannah Perez.

“Quinn McKay here with the WEC Street Fight champion, Hannah Perez. Hannah, how do you feel facing Carmen Tocheniuk?”

“I feel great, Quinn! Carmen isn’t on the same level as me, & tonight, I’ll prove that!” Hannah says, walking away.

Hannah Perez makes her way to the ring, she’s wearing a red satin & lace push-up bra & matching thhong panties, she also has her championship held high for all to see.

Hannah enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Ring announcer Cathy Kelley enters the ring to make the official introductions.

“Ladies & gentlemen! The following contest, scheduled for one fall is for the Street Fight championship!

“Introducing first, the challenger: from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada…please welcome…CARMEN TOCHENIUK!”

Carmen smiles & waves to the crowd.


Hannah also smiles & waves to the crowd.

Hannah waits until Carmen turns her back, & then Hannah attacks Carmen from behind, hitting her in the back of the head with her championship belt. Carmen is knocked out instantly.

Hannah now drags Carmen’s lifeless body back to the center of the ring.

Hannah places a foot on Carmen’s chest as the referee counts to three.

Your winner & STILL WEC Street Fight champion…Hannah Perez.

Hannah now proceeds to rag doll Carmen for several minutes after the match.

Finally, Hannah strips Carmen naked & Hannah performs oral sex on Carmen for several more minutes.

Finally Carmen regains consciousness and begins screaming bloody murder, as Hannah just smiles & now leaves the ring & heads backstage to be interviewed.

A (Kayfabe) Interview With Lauren Phillips

“Hello, & welcome to another edition of ‘…Chats With April.’ I’m Megan Heidlberg in for an injured April O’Neil. My guest at this time is the WEC World champion, Lauren Phillips. Lauren, welcome back to ‘…Chats With April.’!”

“My pleasure, Megan!” 

“Lauren, your next title match is against the former champion, Katherine Salom, originally, you were supposed to be the challenger in this match. How does your mindset change going for challenger to champion?”

“My mindset doesn’t change at all, I’ll beat her ass whether I’m the challenger or whether I’m the champion. It simply doesn’t matter, Megan!”

“Lauren, how does your match with Katherine change how you approach tonight’s main event against Jill Kelly?”

“Again, Megan, it doesn’t change my approach at all. Jill earned her shot at my championship earlier this evening, and I intend to walk out STILL WEC World Champion, baby!”
“Lauren, that’s all the time we have. Thank you for joining me!”

“It was my pleasure, Megan!” Lauren says, walking away.

“That does it for another edition of ‘…Chats With April.’! Let’s go back to ringside for our next title match!”

Kerstin Lindquist vs. Lauren Phillips WEC World Championship Match

It’s now time for our next title match as Lauren Phillips defends the WEC World championship against QVC Host Kerstin Lindquist.

Both women are in their respective locker rooms getting ready for the fight.

Quinn McKay is with the challenger, Kerstin Lindquist.

“Quinn McKay here with the challenger to the WEC World Championship, Kerstin Lindquist. Kerstin, do you really think you deserve a shot at the world championship?”

“What kind of question is that, Quinn? Of course I deserve this title match! I’ve worked hard in this company. Of course, Steve hasn’t given me many opportunities, but I’ve made the most of my chances. Tonight, I’ll prove to the world that I deserve to be in the WEC!” Kerstin says, walking away.

Kerstin Lindquist makes her way to the ring, she’s wearing a powder blue cotton bra & matching full back panties.

Kerstin enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Quinn McKay is standing by with the champion, Lauren Phillips.

“Quinn McKay here with the WEC World Champion, Lauren Phillips. Lauren, how do you feel heading into yet another title match?”

“I feel confident, Quinn! Two more title matches, & I can call it a day. This is why I’m the greatest champion in WEC history!” Lauren says, walking away.

Lauren Phillips makes her way to the ring. She’s wearing a powder blue bra & panty set.

Lauren enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Ring announcer Cathy Kelley enters the ring to make the official introductions.

“Ladies & gentlemen! The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the WEC World championship!

“Introducing first: the challenger: from: West Chester, Pennsylvaniq…please welcome…KERSTIN LINDQUIST!”

Kerstin smiles & waves to the crowd.


Lauren also smiles & waves to the crowd.

Lauren and Kerstin now lock up in the center of the ring.

Lauren quickly breaks free & slaps Kerstin across the face with enough ferocity to be heard at the concession stand.

Kerstin drops to one knee.

Lauren grab Kerstin and drags her to a corner & and proceeds to ram Kerstin’s head into all three turnbuckles. 

Kerstin crumbles to the mat, holding her head.

Lauren again drags Kerstin to her feet & scoops her up for a vicious bodyslam.

Kerstin screams out & clutches her lower back.

Lauren once again pulls Kerstin to her feet & gives her the Kiss Of Death followed by the uppercut low blow, Kerstin crumbles to the mat, unconscious.

Lauren just places her foot of Kerstin’s chest as the referee counts to three.

Your winner & STILL WEC World Champion…Lauren Phillips.

Lauren stands over Kerstin for several minutes after the match.

Lauren now heads backstage to be interviewed.

A (Kayfabe) Interview With Hannah Perez

 “Hello & welcome back to ‘…Chats With April!’! I’m your host, Megan Heidlberg, filling in for April O’Neil. My guest at this time is still the WEC Street Fight champion, Hannah Perez! Hannah, welcome back to ‘…Chats With April!’!”

“Always a pleasure, Megan!”

“Hannah, as you predicted, you easily defeat Leeann Tweeden, your next opponent is Carmen Tocheniuk, care to give your thoughts?”

“Carmen has a million dollar body with a ten cent brain. Anyone can see she is over matched mentally against me. It’ll once again be too easy, Megan!” 

“I’ll have to remember that! Do you feel you still deserve a shot at the World championship?”

“Megan, I’ve always deserved a shot at the World championship. Steve wants to protect his precious stars. I don’t care what it takes, I WILL be World champion in this compnay! Mark my words!”

“Hannah, that’s all the time we have. Thank you for your time!”

“It’s been a pleasure, Megan!” Hannah says, getting up to leave.

“That does it for another edition of: ‘…Chats With April!’! Let’s go back to ringside for our next title match!”

Hannah Perez vs. Leeann Tweeden WEC Street Fight Championship Match

Our next title match is Hannah Perez defending the Street Fight championship against Leeann Tweeden.

Both women are in their respective locker rooms getting ready for the fight.

Quinn McKay is with the challenger, Leeann Tweeden.

“Quinn McKay here with the challenger for the Street Fight championship, Leeann Tweeden. Leeann, you were attacked earlier this evening by Hannah Perez, have you been cleared to compete?”

“Yes, Quinn, I’ve been cleared to compete. Let me tell you something, Hannah Perez. I WILL DESTROY YOU, BITCH!” Leeann says, walking away.

Leeann Tweeden makes her way to the ring, she’s wearing a multi-pastel colored bra & panty set.

Leeann enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Quinn McKay is now with the champion, Hannah Perez.

“Quinn McKay here with the Street Fight champion, Hannah Perez. Hannah, I’m sure you heard the comments of Leeann Tweeden, care to give your thoughts?”

“My thoughts? Leeann, sweetie, you’re going to destroy me? Don’t make me laugh. I could’ve ended you, permanently a few minutes ago. I have two words for you, Leeann: ‘And STILL!’!” Hannah says, walking away.

Hannah Perez makes her way to the ring, she’s wearing a teal satin & lace bra & panty set.

Hannah enters the ring & stands in her corner.

Ring announcer Cathy Kelley enters the ring to make the official introductions.

“Ladies & gentlemen! The following contest, scheduled for one fall is for the WEC Street Fight championship! 

“Introducing first: the challenger: from Los Angeles, California…please welcome…LEEANN TWEEDEN!”

Leeann smiles & waves to the crowd.


Hannah also smiles & waves to the crowd.

The bell rings & both women lock up in the center of the ring.

Hannah breaks free & kicks Leeann right in the pussy, Leeann screams out and drops to her knees.

Hannah now grabs Leeann by the hair & drags her to the nearest corner.

Hannah then proceeds to ram Leeann’s head into all 3 turnbuckles.

Hannah then removes the top turnbuckle pad, & rams Leeann’s head into the exposed bolt, knocking Leeann out instnatly.

Hannah now drags Leeann’s limp, lifeless body back to the center of the ring.

Hannah just places her foot on Leeann’s forehead as the referee counts to three.

Your winner & STILL WEC Street Fight champion: Hannah Perez.

Hannah poses over Leeann’s body for several minutes after the match.

Hannah now heads backstage for the post match interview.

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