The Women's Extreme Championship...Home Of The World's Hottest Divas

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Monica & Ivanna's Contract Signing

Tonight, all the media is gathered to witness the historic contracts signings of Monica The Magnificent and Ivanna, Ivanna of course will be signed exclusively to a Bikini Contest contract. 
I enter the room first, and see all the media, and I approach the podium. 
“Good evening, ladies & gentlemen, and welcome to this gistoric contract signing of two of hottest fighters to us from Spain, and now I’m not talking about Ana Morgade & Anna Simon, although after the Intercontinental Reporters tournament, I do plan to sign them to contracts as well. No, tonight, I’m talking about Monica The Magnificent and Ivanna. Now, as you all know, a couple of weeks ago I arranged for a private match between the two, and I was so impressed, I offered them both conttacts. Now, Monica’s contract allows her to compete in any division, except the Bikini Contest division, and Ivanna’s contract is exclusive to the Bikini Contest division. That’s because of the hatred that stems between these two. Anyhow, I’ll bring one of them out, have her quickly sign, and once she’s out of the building, we’ll bring the other out and hve her sign. So, without further ado, please welcome who I think is a future star in our growing Bikini Contest division, please welcome...Ivanna!” 
Ivanna comes walking out, wearing a strapless, satin red dress, the skirt comes a few inches below her knee. 
She approaches the podium and signs her contract. 
“Ivanna! Do you think you can compete in such a fierce enviorment as the WEC?” A reporter asks. 
“Si...I mean...yes, Mr. Steve has guaranteed me that I’ll be wearing bikini’s mostly. And to all the women of the WEC, none of you have a body like I do, and none of you look as good in a bikini as I do, get used to it, Ivanna is here to rule.” She says, dropping the microphone and walking off the stage and into the back. 
I make sure she’s safely in her car and watch it drive away. 
I make my way toward the podium. 
“Now...please allow me to welcome the reason we’re all here this evening, please welcome...Monica The Magnificent.” 
Monica comes walking out, wearing a slinky black dress and heels, the skirt comes about an inch below her knee, and she looks absolutely stunning. 
She waves to the media as she walks up and signs her contract. 
“Monica! What are your thoughts on finally joining the WEC?” 
“All these women are in trouble, especially one named Alicia Vitarelli, I look forward very much to pounding her face in.” She says with a smug smile. 
“That’s a discussion for another time, right now, I have a private meeting with Monica, and later this evening I’ll have a private meeting with Ivanna. That’s all for the press conference ladies & gentlemen.” 
And quickly Monica is whisked off the stage and into a waiting limo. I get in along side of her. 
“Monica, you can’t issue challenges like that, Alicia Vitarelli is a close friend, and she’s becoming one of my fiercest fighters, please stop issuing challenges to her.” I ask, looking concerned. 
“You get her in the ring with me and I’ll show you who is fierce.” She says. 
“Monica, you’ve so far have had matches with two hand selected opponents, I saw your match with Michelle, she had no business being in the ring with you, and as far as Ivanna goes, I’ve already talked with her, you and her will never be in the same ring again. If you want Alicia, I’ll give you Alicia, but, I’ll just say, be careful what you wish for. As far as your contract goes, do you have any questions?” I ask. 
“No, just line your so-called fighters up and I’ll destroy them, starting with preppy little Alicia.” 
“Ok, you’ll get Alicia soon enough, if you don’t mind, I have a meeting with Ivanna. Thank you for your time, Monica!” I say, getting out of the limo. 
I watch as the limo drives away, just then my own private car arrives, and I get it and it takes me to the hotel that Ivanna is staying at. 
I knock on her door, and she lets me in. 
“Ivanna, do you have any questions about your contract?” 
She shakes her head no. 
“I noticed you issued a challenge to Destiny Dumon tonight, you know she’s the favorite to win the Bikini Contest tournament. Salma Fuentes has already issued an open challenge to whoever wins the Bikini Contest tournament. If you want, I’ll put you down to challenge whoever is the champion after that, does that sound good?” 
“Either way, I want Dumon, she thinks she can call herself The Reflection Of Perfection, look at me, Mr. Steve, have you seen a more perfect body? Destiny and this Salma, they wish they had a body like mine. You signed me to an exclusive Bikini only contract, I want to prove I have the best Bikini body in all of the WEC. Give me Dumon, Mr. Steve.” She says, getting right in my face. 
“You’ll get your chance, I just can’t guarantee it’ll be against Destiny. Any further questions?” 
Ivanna again shakes her head no. I turn around and leave the hotel room.

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