The Women's Extreme Championship...Home Of The World's Hottest Divas

Monday, September 24, 2018

Miley Cyrus vs. Taylor Swift (Celebrity MMA Tournament)

We welcome you back to coverage of the Celebrity MMA tournament. 
Miley Cyrus take on Taylor Swift. 
Both women are in their respective locker rooms preparing for the fight. 
Miley Cyrus enters first, wearing a powder blue sports bra and matching spandex shorts, and she has hair tied back in a pony tail. 
She gets inspected cage side, she hugs her corner staff, receives her mouth piece and enters the octagon. 
Taylor Swift enters next, wearing a purple sports bra and matching spandex shorts, and she as well, has her hair tied back in a pony tail. 
And as is customary, Taylor gets inspected cage side, hugs her corner staff, receives her mouth piece and enters the octagon. 
Both women shake hands as they pass by each other, and after a minute, they both stand in their corners. 
Both women meet in the middle of the octagon for final instructions, they touch gloves and go back to their corners. 
The bell sounds and round 1 begins. 
Both women begin circling the octagon, with Miley scoring quickly with a punch to Taylor’s side, making her back up a couple of steps. 
Taylor shoots in for a takedown but, Miley quickly stuffs it, and lands a couple of hard shots to the side of Taylor’s head, dropping her to the mat. 
Miley quickly gets on top, and begins raining down punch after punch, causing Taylor’s right eye to swell and close. 
After a minute or so of this, Miley gets up, only to begin kicking Taylor hard in the sides, Taylor screams out in pain until she finally gets back to her feet as well. 
Taylor is no sooner back on her feet and Miley goes for a take down and is successful, Miley gains side control and begins ramming her knees over and over into Taylor’s already injured left side.  
Miley now tries to get Taylor in an armbar, but, Taylor is able to slip out of it, and somehow manages to once again get back to her feet. 
Just then the horn sounds, ending round 1. 
Both women easily get to their corners 
In Miley’s corner:  
“Great job so far, Miley, keep it up and it’ll be an easy victory for you.” 
In Taylor’s corner: 
“You got eaten up out there, Taylor, get it together or this will be an early night for you...” 
Both women are on their feet for round 2. 
The bell sounds, and both women begin circling. 
Miley scores first with a leg sweep, knocking Taylor down on her back. Miley is quickly on top, heavy blow after heavy blow, Taylor is now bleeding under her left eye. After about a minute of this, Miley tires herself out, and gets up, allowing Taylor to get to her feet as well. 
Both women touch gloves and the fight continues. 
Taylor swings wildly and misses, Miley answers back with a hard backhand shot, again knocking Taylor to the mat, Taylor tries to quickly get back to her feet, but, Miley jumps on her back and locks in a rear naked choke, wrapping her legs around Taylor and taking her back down to the mat. 
After a minute of this, Taylor has no choice but to tap out. Miley Cyrus is declared the winner. 
The medical staff rushes in to check on Taylor, as Miley runs around the cage celebrating.

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